We Do Our Best To Keep Our Planet Green


Most of our doctors, therapists, and staff bike to work, so we built an indoor bike storage area to make it easier. We let our patients use it as well, or the bike rack that we installed out front. Those who don’t bike often ride the bus, which is easy since we’re on Burnside. We’re long time bike commuting advocates.


Upon entering the office, you’ll enjoy the abundance of natural light through our windows and skylights. In addition to those, the rest of our lighting is from energy efficient fluorescents, inside and out.


These panels, installed in 2020, meet 90% of our annual electrical needs and will last about 25 years.

From the first day of opening our clinic, we have utilized Pacific Power’s renewable energy program, and we always will.

Heating and cooling

We keep the office comfortable with high-efficiency natural gas furnaces and high efficiency air conditioning units.


Our washer and drier are the high efficiency, front-loading washer, water saving type. We do our own laundry, eliminating the carbon emissions of transportation by a cleaning service.


Since we had the entire structure rebuilt to our needs, the ceiling and wall insulation exceeds all standards. Additionally, all of our windows are sealed, double pane, thermally efficient and our entryway foyer is specifically designed to minimize air loss to the outside environment as people come and go.


We use electronics as much as possible to minimize paper waste. Additionally, all recyclable materials that we use are recycled.